Simon Says: EXTREME 3
Simon Says: EXTREME 3

You've heard of Simon Says, but this game takes it to the extreme. In this game, your kids will be challenged to follow each of Simon's instructions perfectly. You're out if you do something Simon doesn't say or don't do something he does say. This game video is perfect for Sunday School, Kids' Church, or Children's Ministry.
You've heard of Simon Says, but this game takes it to the extreme. In this game, your kids will be challenged to follow each of Simon's instructions perfectly. You're out if you do something Simon doesn't say or don't do something he does say. This game video is perfect for Sunday School, Kids' Church, or Children's Ministry.

You've heard of Simon Says, but this game takes it to the extreme. In this game, your kids will be challenged to follow each of Simon's instructions perfectly. You're out if you do something Simon doesn't say or don't do something he does say. This game video is perfect for Sunday School, Kids' Church, or Children's Ministry.