Easter Mashup 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

Easter Mashup 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

Jesus is the Reason for Every Season Even before Jesus' birth, the angels and prophets pointed us to the time when Jesus would become our Savior and save us from our sins. This series makes the connection between the Easter message and the Christmas story. Kids will gain new insight into the truth that Jesus came as a baby, but grew into a man who laid down his life to save us.

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIRV)

1) Easter Bell Rock Scripture: Luke 19:28-40, The Triumphal Entry & Luke 1:39-50, Mary Visits Elizabeth Even before he was born, Elizabeth and the baby inside her (John the Baptist) praised Jesus. When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time, the people praised him. When the Pharisees complained, Jesus said that if the people didn't praise him, the rocks would. Decoration: Wreath of Easter Lilies and Jingle Bells Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate that Jesus came to save us!”

2) Egg-cited to Trim the Tree Scripture: Luke 22:39-54, Jesus In the Garden & Luke 2:4-20, The Birth of Jesus Angels told the shepherds that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds obeyed the angels and went to see the newborn Savior. Years later as Jesus prayed in anguish, an angel came and watched over him. Jesus knew the suffering he was about to go through, but he prayed that God the Father's will would be done, always. Decoration: Christmas Tree with Easter Eggs Topped with Angel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust God's will.”

3) Stockings Hung by the Chimney with Hares Scripture: John 19:23-30, Jesus Gives His Life & Matthew 2:1-11, Visit of the Magi The Magi gave the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When he had grown, Jesus gave us the ultimate gift: His very life. Jesus gave his life to show us God's love, and so that we could be free from the weight of sin and death. Decoration: Stockings Stuffed with Chocolate Bunnies Objective: Kids will learn “Jesus gave his life as a gift for me.”

4) De-Light-Full Basket Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10, The Resurrection & Luke 2:21-38, Simeon and Anna When Jesus died, his disciples thought that his light had burned out for good. But Jesus rose from the dead in power they knew he truly is the King Of Kings. He is our Savior and offers us light and life that will never fade. The women who met Jesus in the garden knew that. Simeon and Anna knew that, even when they met Jesus as a little baby. Decoration: Easter Basket Lined with Christmas Lights and Tinsel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust Jesus as my Savior.”

Make It Stick! Parent Sheet
Memory Verse
Large Group Lesson
Small-Group Discussion

Perfect for kids ages 6-12.
4 Weeks
Includes both Large Group and Small Group resources.

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Jesus is the Reason for Every Season Even before Jesus' birth, the angels and prophets pointed us to the time when Jesus would become our Savior and save us from our sins. This series makes the connection between the Easter message and the Christmas story. Kids will gain new insight into the truth that Jesus came as a baby, but grew into a man who laid down his life to save us.

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIRV)

1) Easter Bell Rock Scripture: Luke 19:28-40, The Triumphal Entry & Luke 1:39-50, Mary Visits Elizabeth Even before he was born, Elizabeth and the baby inside her (John the Baptist) praised Jesus. When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time, the people praised him. When the Pharisees complained, Jesus said that if the people didn't praise him, the rocks would. Decoration: Wreath of Easter Lilies and Jingle Bells Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate that Jesus came to save us!”

2) Egg-cited to Trim the Tree Scripture: Luke 22:39-54, Jesus In the Garden & Luke 2:4-20, The Birth of Jesus Angels told the shepherds that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds obeyed the angels and went to see the newborn Savior. Years later as Jesus prayed in anguish, an angel came and watched over him. Jesus knew the suffering he was about to go through, but he prayed that God the Father's will would be done, always. Decoration: Christmas Tree with Easter Eggs Topped with Angel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust God's will.”

3) Stockings Hung by the Chimney with Hares Scripture: John 19:23-30, Jesus Gives His Life & Matthew 2:1-11, Visit of the Magi The Magi gave the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When he had grown, Jesus gave us the ultimate gift: His very life. Jesus gave his life to show us God's love, and so that we could be free from the weight of sin and death. Decoration: Stockings Stuffed with Chocolate Bunnies Objective: Kids will learn “Jesus gave his life as a gift for me.”

4) De-Light-Full Basket Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10, The Resurrection & Luke 2:21-38, Simeon and Anna When Jesus died, his disciples thought that his light had burned out for good. But Jesus rose from the dead in power they knew he truly is the King Of Kings. He is our Savior and offers us light and life that will never fade. The women who met Jesus in the garden knew that. Simeon and Anna knew that, even when they met Jesus as a little baby. Decoration: Easter Basket Lined with Christmas Lights and Tinsel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust Jesus as my Savior.”

Make It Stick! Parent Sheet
Memory Verse
Large Group Lesson
Small-Group Discussion

Perfect for kids ages 6-12.
4 Weeks
Includes both Large Group and Small Group resources.


Easter Mashup 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

Easter Mashup 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

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Regular price $75.00
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Jesus is the Reason for Every Season Even before Jesus' birth, the angels and prophets pointed us to the time when Jesus would become our Savior and save us from our sins. This series makes the connection between the Easter message and the Christmas story. Kids will gain new insight into the truth that Jesus came as a baby, but grew into a man who laid down his life to save us.

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIRV)

1) Easter Bell Rock Scripture: Luke 19:28-40, The Triumphal Entry & Luke 1:39-50, Mary Visits Elizabeth Even before he was born, Elizabeth and the baby inside her (John the Baptist) praised Jesus. When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time, the people praised him. When the Pharisees complained, Jesus said that if the people didn't praise him, the rocks would. Decoration: Wreath of Easter Lilies and Jingle Bells Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate that Jesus came to save us!”

2) Egg-cited to Trim the Tree Scripture: Luke 22:39-54, Jesus In the Garden & Luke 2:4-20, The Birth of Jesus Angels told the shepherds that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds obeyed the angels and went to see the newborn Savior. Years later as Jesus prayed in anguish, an angel came and watched over him. Jesus knew the suffering he was about to go through, but he prayed that God the Father's will would be done, always. Decoration: Christmas Tree with Easter Eggs Topped with Angel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust God's will.”

3) Stockings Hung by the Chimney with Hares Scripture: John 19:23-30, Jesus Gives His Life & Matthew 2:1-11, Visit of the Magi The Magi gave the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When he had grown, Jesus gave us the ultimate gift: His very life. Jesus gave his life to show us God's love, and so that we could be free from the weight of sin and death. Decoration: Stockings Stuffed with Chocolate Bunnies Objective: Kids will learn “Jesus gave his life as a gift for me.”

4) De-Light-Full Basket Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10, The Resurrection & Luke 2:21-38, Simeon and Anna When Jesus died, his disciples thought that his light had burned out for good. But Jesus rose from the dead in power they knew he truly is the King Of Kings. He is our Savior and offers us light and life that will never fade. The women who met Jesus in the garden knew that. Simeon and Anna knew that, even when they met Jesus as a little baby. Decoration: Easter Basket Lined with Christmas Lights and Tinsel Objective: Kids will learn “I can trust Jesus as my Savior.”

Make It Stick! Parent Sheet
Memory Verse
Large Group Lesson
Small-Group Discussion

Perfect for kids ages 6-12.
4 Weeks
Includes both Large Group and Small Group resources.