Everybody Hates Gideon

Everybody Hates Gideon

This is Lesson Three in a six week series on Judges .This story is overlooked a lot#VALUE It teaches us how Gideon quickly became the most hated person in town, and how the same actions that made him unpopular eventually earned him the devotion of thousands of soldiers.

The Verses
Judges 6, Joshua 1:7-9, Matthew 5:11-12

The Gist
When Gideon destroyed his townís idols, everyone wanted him dead. But soon after this, thousands of soldiers were ready and willing to follow him into battle

The Point
Taking a stand is never popular, but true leaders are those who have the courage to stand up for what is right.

What You Get
Video message
Video review game
Animated title loop
Opening Assignment - an activity that your students can do while other students are arriving
Intro Activity - an activity that leads into the message by introducing concepts which are relevant to the topic; file format will vary
Discussion Guide - we call it the Live it Out handout; it can be used in small groups, pairs, or students can it home to do as a devotional
Lesson specific information - a one page guide that tells you everything you need to know for each lesson
Series Introduction and Overview - provides overarching themes to the series as well as a lesson schedule
Quick & Easy Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the, "less is more" approach to instructions
Fully Loaded Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the "more is better" approach to instructions
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This is Lesson Three in a six week series on Judges .This story is overlooked a lot#VALUE It teaches us how Gideon quickly became the most hated person in town, and how the same actions that made him unpopular eventually earned him the devotion of thousands of soldiers.

The Verses
Judges 6, Joshua 1:7-9, Matthew 5:11-12

The Gist
When Gideon destroyed his townís idols, everyone wanted him dead. But soon after this, thousands of soldiers were ready and willing to follow him into battle

The Point
Taking a stand is never popular, but true leaders are those who have the courage to stand up for what is right.

What You Get
Video message
Video review game
Animated title loop
Opening Assignment - an activity that your students can do while other students are arriving
Intro Activity - an activity that leads into the message by introducing concepts which are relevant to the topic; file format will vary
Discussion Guide - we call it the Live it Out handout; it can be used in small groups, pairs, or students can it home to do as a devotional
Lesson specific information - a one page guide that tells you everything you need to know for each lesson
Series Introduction and Overview - provides overarching themes to the series as well as a lesson schedule
Quick & Easy Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the, "less is more" approach to instructions
Fully Loaded Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the "more is better" approach to instructions

Everybody Hates Gideon

Everybody Hates Gideon

What's Included


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Regular price $39.00
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This is Lesson Three in a six week series on Judges .This story is overlooked a lot#VALUE It teaches us how Gideon quickly became the most hated person in town, and how the same actions that made him unpopular eventually earned him the devotion of thousands of soldiers.

The Verses
Judges 6, Joshua 1:7-9, Matthew 5:11-12

The Gist
When Gideon destroyed his townís idols, everyone wanted him dead. But soon after this, thousands of soldiers were ready and willing to follow him into battle

The Point
Taking a stand is never popular, but true leaders are those who have the courage to stand up for what is right.

What You Get
Video message
Video review game
Animated title loop
Opening Assignment - an activity that your students can do while other students are arriving
Intro Activity - an activity that leads into the message by introducing concepts which are relevant to the topic; file format will vary
Discussion Guide - we call it the Live it Out handout; it can be used in small groups, pairs, or students can it home to do as a devotional
Lesson specific information - a one page guide that tells you everything you need to know for each lesson
Series Introduction and Overview - provides overarching themes to the series as well as a lesson schedule
Quick & Easy Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the, "less is more" approach to instructions
Fully Loaded Implementation Guide - for those of you who like the "more is better" approach to instructions