Spyence Mission X S1 Ep. 1

Spyence Mission X S1 Ep. 1

Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 1 focuses on Evangelism and Salvation, and the Main Point in Episode 1 is, "Sharing the good news about Jesus can be as simple as inviting a friend to church next week.”

The Memory Verse is 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Discussion Topics include what to do when you’re nervous about telling a friend about Jesus, who the Holy Spirit is and how He helps us be witnesses for Jesus, and identifying someone you could tell about Jesus this week.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Evangelism) and its definition (sharing the good news about Jesus).
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Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 1 focuses on Evangelism and Salvation, and the Main Point in Episode 1 is, "Sharing the good news about Jesus can be as simple as inviting a friend to church next week.”

The Memory Verse is 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Discussion Topics include what to do when you’re nervous about telling a friend about Jesus, who the Holy Spirit is and how He helps us be witnesses for Jesus, and identifying someone you could tell about Jesus this week.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Evangelism) and its definition (sharing the good news about Jesus).

Spyence Mission X S1 Ep. 1

Spyence Mission X S1 Ep. 1

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Regular price $35.00
Sale price $35.00 Regular price
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Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 1 focuses on Evangelism and Salvation, and the Main Point in Episode 1 is, "Sharing the good news about Jesus can be as simple as inviting a friend to church next week.”

The Memory Verse is 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Discussion Topics include what to do when you’re nervous about telling a friend about Jesus, who the Holy Spirit is and how He helps us be witnesses for Jesus, and identifying someone you could tell about Jesus this week.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Evangelism) and its definition (sharing the good news about Jesus).