Spyence Mission X S2 Ep. 4

Spyence Mission X S2 Ep. 4

Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 2 focuses on the Bible and its unique ability to teach us about God and help us live for Him, and the Main Point in Episode 4 is, “The most important truths can only be learned from the Bible.”

The Memory Verse is Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

Discussion Topics include identifying truths we can only learn from the Bible (using John 20:30,31 as an example), and what people or other resources God might use to help us understand His Word.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Illumination) and its definition (God helps us understand the Bible).
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Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 2 focuses on the Bible and its unique ability to teach us about God and help us live for Him, and the Main Point in Episode 4 is, “The most important truths can only be learned from the Bible.”

The Memory Verse is Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

Discussion Topics include identifying truths we can only learn from the Bible (using John 20:30,31 as an example), and what people or other resources God might use to help us understand His Word.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Illumination) and its definition (God helps us understand the Bible).

Spyence Mission X S2 Ep. 4

Spyence Mission X S2 Ep. 4

What's Included


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Regular price $35.00
Sale price $35.00 Regular price
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Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.

Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.

Season 2 focuses on the Bible and its unique ability to teach us about God and help us live for Him, and the Main Point in Episode 4 is, “The most important truths can only be learned from the Bible.”

The Memory Verse is Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

Discussion Topics include identifying truths we can only learn from the Bible (using John 20:30,31 as an example), and what people or other resources God might use to help us understand His Word.

The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Illumination) and its definition (God helps us understand the Bible).