
If this has been a hard Thanksgiving for you, then this is a very important Thanksgiving. Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful because of how good things have been. But sometimes it seems like all you can see is how bad things have been. It’s during those times that it’s most important for us to be thankful. Thinking of what we’re thankful for can help us to keep from being consumed by all of the bad things that happen in life. We owe God our gratitude, but more than that, our thankfulness can heal our hearts and help us to overcome.
If this has been a hard Thanksgiving for you, then this is a very important Thanksgiving. Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful because of how good things have been. But sometimes it seems like all you can see is how bad things have been. It’s during those times that it’s most important for us to be thankful. Thinking of what we’re thankful for can help us to keep from being consumed by all of the bad things that happen in life. We owe God our gratitude, but more than that, our thankfulness can heal our hearts and help us to overcome.

If this has been a hard Thanksgiving for you, then this is a very important Thanksgiving. Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful because of how good things have been. But sometimes it seems like all you can see is how bad things have been. It’s during those times that it’s most important for us to be thankful. Thinking of what we’re thankful for can help us to keep from being consumed by all of the bad things that happen in life. We owe God our gratitude, but more than that, our thankfulness can heal our hearts and help us to overcome.