The Scot Countdown

The Scot Countdown

There are supposed to be bears here! Although we never told our Scottish friend he would be wrestling bears he is convinced otherwise. There is nothing to serious about any countdowns in this series, so relax and enjoy the flavor of our Scottish friend. (no Scottish people where harmed during filming of this video)
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There are supposed to be bears here! Although we never told our Scottish friend he would be wrestling bears he is convinced otherwise. There is nothing to serious about any countdowns in this series, so relax and enjoy the flavor of our Scottish friend. (no Scottish people where harmed during filming of this video)

The Scot Countdown

The Scot Countdown

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Regular price $15.00
Sale price $15.00 Regular price
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There are supposed to be bears here! Although we never told our Scottish friend he would be wrestling bears he is convinced otherwise. There is nothing to serious about any countdowns in this series, so relax and enjoy the flavor of our Scottish friend. (no Scottish people where harmed during filming of this video)