Choosing Happy Countdown
Choosing Happy Countdown

This countdown is a perfect burst of fun and joy to kick off any service, camp or special event. Filled with bright colors, bold patterns and happy face emojis, it’s a true burst of happiness. Your download includes two audio versions: Full mix with the vocals singing (A great way to connect to worship songs you currently use or plan to introduce) and a complete instrumental track. Perfect for kicking off services! This 2:30 minute countdown you & your kids will love it!
This countdown is a perfect burst of fun and joy to kick off any service, camp or special event. Filled with bright colors, bold patterns and happy face emojis, it’s a true burst of happiness. Your download includes two audio versions: Full mix with the vocals singing (A great way to connect to worship songs you currently use or plan to introduce) and a complete instrumental track. Perfect for kicking off services! This 2:30 minute countdown you & your kids will love it!

This countdown is a perfect burst of fun and joy to kick off any service, camp or special event. Filled with bright colors, bold patterns and happy face emojis, it’s a true burst of happiness. Your download includes two audio versions: Full mix with the vocals singing (A great way to connect to worship songs you currently use or plan to introduce) and a complete instrumental track. Perfect for kicking off services! This 2:30 minute countdown you & your kids will love it!