The Parable Of The Talents

The Parable Of The Talents

Jesus told a story about a man who was going away on a long trip. To one of his servants the man gave 5 talents (a "talent" in Jesus' day was an amount of money equal to about two years' wages), to another servant he gave two talents, and to a third he gave one talent; each according to their abilities. The servants with five and two talents took that money and doubled it, but the third was afraid and buried his master's money. When their master returned, he was very happy with the first two servants, but he was furious with the third servant and had him thrown into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Just like this man gave his servants responsibility over his possessions while he was away, before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave us the responsibility to "go and make disciples." We don't know when Jesus will return, so let's always be working hard to make disciples. That way, when we do see Jesus face to face, we can hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
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Jesus told a story about a man who was going away on a long trip. To one of his servants the man gave 5 talents (a "talent" in Jesus' day was an amount of money equal to about two years' wages), to another servant he gave two talents, and to a third he gave one talent; each according to their abilities. The servants with five and two talents took that money and doubled it, but the third was afraid and buried his master's money. When their master returned, he was very happy with the first two servants, but he was furious with the third servant and had him thrown into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Just like this man gave his servants responsibility over his possessions while he was away, before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave us the responsibility to "go and make disciples." We don't know when Jesus will return, so let's always be working hard to make disciples. That way, when we do see Jesus face to face, we can hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

The Parable Of The Talents

The Parable Of The Talents

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Jesus told a story about a man who was going away on a long trip. To one of his servants the man gave 5 talents (a "talent" in Jesus' day was an amount of money equal to about two years' wages), to another servant he gave two talents, and to a third he gave one talent; each according to their abilities. The servants with five and two talents took that money and doubled it, but the third was afraid and buried his master's money. When their master returned, he was very happy with the first two servants, but he was furious with the third servant and had him thrown into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Just like this man gave his servants responsibility over his possessions while he was away, before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave us the responsibility to "go and make disciples." We don't know when Jesus will return, so let's always be working hard to make disciples. That way, when we do see Jesus face to face, we can hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

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Douglas Talks