Take Care Of The World God Gave Us
Take Care Of The World God Gave Us

Douglas grew some flowers that he gave to his friends and family, and also his dog Rosco. Everyone loves their flower, but Rosco absolutely destroyed his. Douglas Teaches kids that God gave us the world, and we should take care of it by recycling, not wasting resources, not littering, and doing whatever we can to make the world a more beautiful place. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us, so let's go green for God!
Douglas grew some flowers that he gave to his friends and family, and also his dog Rosco. Everyone loves their flower, but Rosco absolutely destroyed his. Douglas Teaches kids that God gave us the world, and we should take care of it by recycling, not wasting resources, not littering, and doing whatever we can to make the world a more beautiful place. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us, so let's go green for God!

Douglas grew some flowers that he gave to his friends and family, and also his dog Rosco. Everyone loves their flower, but Rosco absolutely destroyed his. Douglas Teaches kids that God gave us the world, and we should take care of it by recycling, not wasting resources, not littering, and doing whatever we can to make the world a more beautiful place. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us, so let's go green for God!