Don't Make Excuses
Don't Make Excuses

There are SO MANY different excuses we make to get out of doing what we don’t want to do. And we end up feeling like a “really good person” if we have good enough excuses to not do what God wants us to do. But the truth is, there is no excuse for not doing what God has called you to do. The good Samaritan had every reason not to help the Israelite he found beaten on the side of the road. But, instead of making excuses like, “This Israelite hates me, so I should just leave him alone”, he decided to be a good neighbor and help. Instead of looking for excuses as to why you can’t do what God has called you to do (like, loving your neighbor), just do it! Don’t make excuses.
There are SO MANY different excuses we make to get out of doing what we don’t want to do. And we end up feeling like a “really good person” if we have good enough excuses to not do what God wants us to do. But the truth is, there is no excuse for not doing what God has called you to do. The good Samaritan had every reason not to help the Israelite he found beaten on the side of the road. But, instead of making excuses like, “This Israelite hates me, so I should just leave him alone”, he decided to be a good neighbor and help. Instead of looking for excuses as to why you can’t do what God has called you to do (like, loving your neighbor), just do it! Don’t make excuses.

There are SO MANY different excuses we make to get out of doing what we don’t want to do. And we end up feeling like a “really good person” if we have good enough excuses to not do what God wants us to do. But the truth is, there is no excuse for not doing what God has called you to do. The good Samaritan had every reason not to help the Israelite he found beaten on the side of the road. But, instead of making excuses like, “This Israelite hates me, so I should just leave him alone”, he decided to be a good neighbor and help. Instead of looking for excuses as to why you can’t do what God has called you to do (like, loving your neighbor), just do it! Don’t make excuses.