
Fall Festival: 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

What's Included
What's Included
The Fall Festival is a fun time to be shared with our friends. It's also a great time to bring new friends to church so they can hear about Jesus and the things he taught the disciples.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

1) Fishin' Hole Game – Jesus called a group of fishermen to join him in being “fishers of men.” We can throw our own line out there by bringing our friends to the Fall Festival. Luke 5:1-11. Jesus Calls the First Disciples.

2) Bobbing for Apples – If you want to get that apple, you have to keep the water steady and your eye on the prize. We can do amazing things for God if we keep our eyes on Jesus. Matthew 14:22-36. Jesus Walks on the Water

3) Cornhole – To win at Cornhole, you have to get your bean bag in just the right position. But with Jesus, we don't worry about position. We just want to love and serve others. Matthew 20:20-28. A Mother's Request.

4) Pumpkin Ring Toss – Toss your ring just right and you'll get it around the stem of one of the pumpkins. Jesus teaches us that doing good to others is always the right move. Matthew 12:1-14. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Make It Stick! Parent Sheet
Memory Verse
Skit or Puppet Show
Craft Activity
Large Group Lesson
Small-Group Discussion

Perfect for kids ages 6-12
Includes large group and small group resources
This curriculum is an instant download

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